Ssh tunnel keep alive
Ssh tunnel keep alive

SSH Known Hosts File identifies the known hosts file.Using config file is not supported with authentication type = SSH Agent. SSH Config File containing optional SSH configuration.Max Authentication Tries the number of allowed connection attempts.Keep Alive Interval to minimize the risk that the tunnel is disconnected due to inactivity, specify number of seconds how often a keep-alive request should be made.Connect Timeout number of seconds to prevent endlessly waiting for an SSH host to respond.Description use this to optionally describe the SSH configuration.These are the generic SSH options independent of authentication type: The following sections explains the different Authentication Types. Selecting an SSH configuration in the grid shows its details and the additional Options section that can be made visible or hidden. Type is one of Password, Public Key or SSH Agent, and the last Used By column shows when clicked what database connections are using an SSH configuration. The upper grid shows the SSH configurations where the Name column is either auto generated or manually set. For a defined SSH configuration in the Connection tab, right-click it, and select Open SSH Configurator.In the database Connection tab, select Use SSH Tunnel, click in the SSH Configuration drop-down and select Create/Edit SSH Configurations.Open Tools->Tool Properties and select General / SSH Configurations.To manage a SSH configuration, any of the following options many be used:

Ssh tunnel keep alive